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Misha Estrin Brings You Award-Winning, Clean Comedy

Misha Estrin Brings You Award-Winning, Clean Comedy

May 23, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

If you are looking to hire a comedian for an event, or simply want to attend a great comedy show, then Misha Estrin just might be the talent you are looking for. Estrin is effective in his punch line delivery. His stand-up is also great for all audiences, as he does not cuss or make offensive remarks. All of his shows are clean stand-up comedy shows.

Misha Estrin’s Awards

Funnyman Misha Estrin’s clean stand-up comedy is so effective, it has won him many awards, including:

  • Fourth place in the 2013 Funniest Person in the Twin Cities, where he competed against over three hundred other stand-up comics.
  • Finalist in the Mall of America 2014 Funniest Person with a Day Job Contest
  • President of the University of MN Comedy Club from 2013-2015.

Misha Estrin's Style

When doing stand-up for events, Estrin likes to have a conversation and ask plenty of questions so that he understands the crowd, as well as the goals of the event. Estrin also promises to show up an hour early to make both the event promoters and guests feel comfortable with his presence. During that hour, he enjoys mingling and connecting with the guests, which also helps him develop a feel for his audience.

Misha Estrin's Talents

One reason Estrin is so good at mingling with people is because he is also a professional life coach who specializes in connecting with other people. When he comes early to events, he is able to establish relationships with guests using this talent. He has also worked as a professional dating coach who has entertained at over two hundred weddings, and generally helps to talk to and entertain guests at weddings as well as performing stand-up.

For more information on Misha Estrin, please go here.

For more information on comedians like Misha Estrin, stay with us here at EventCombo. Here at EventCombo, we provide you with the latest information on events, and also give you the opportunity to sell your tickets online through our website.

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